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10. Academic Results. 

On the Stanford 10 Achievement Test, a leading national achievement test, students at St. John's score above the 75th percentile on the reading and math tests. Our graduates are known for their academic success in local high schools as most are placed into honors classes.


9. Curriculum. 

We utilize the Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA) curriculum guides, which reflect he Missouri Learning Standards, national standards, and Lutheran school standards. In addition to the core subjects, all students have music, art, and physical education classes each week. Our preschool curriculum includes phonics and math as well as religion, music, gym, and art.


8. Technology. 

St. John's is a leader in using educational technology to enrich teaching and learning.  Students and teachers have access to iPads, Chromebooks, SmartBoards, Promethean Boards, and other technology resources.


7. Affordable. 

St. John's is affordable for the high quality of education offered. With scholarships and financial support from the congregation, and generous gifts received through donors, the tuition cost to parents is kept at a reasonable price. Financial aid is available to help with tuition costs.


6. Parent Support. 

Strong parent support is evident in the lives of their children, with high expectations for the children. Coupled with the high expectations and loving concern of the teachers, the children are blessed with strong home and school support.


5. Congregation Support. 

Members of St. John's Lutheran Church started the school in 1848 to offer a Christian education to their children as well as to the Arnold community. The congregation has generously supported Christian education through prayer, finances, and facilities.


4. Opportunities. 

Academic-oriented activities include a Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, and other competitions. Students may participate in musicals, concerts, Christmas programs.  Our school regularly displays student art in the school and art exhibits.  Grades 5-8 students may participate in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and track, and we sponsor CYC sports (soccer, basketball, and baseball) for Grades K-4. We offer a summer camp for preschoolers and children in Grades K-1.


3. Teachers. 

Our highly dedicated, professional educators are more than teachers ... they are coaches, advisors, mentors, and friends. Through their passion and commitment, teachers instill in students a lifelong love of learning.


2. Kids Love Coming to School. 

A visit to our campus quickly shows the joy children have in coming to school. A look into their eyes, the smiles on their faces, and their excitement as they walk through the hallways, is a real blessing. Their strong sense of being loved and encouraged is evident.


1. Jesus Is Here. 

St. John's shares the love of Jesus each day in word and action. Students come to understand the law and gospel, sin and forgiveness, and Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.


Questions? Need answers? Should you desire more information than is available on our school’s website, please Request Information and our admissions office will contact you. If you have not already done so, schedule a visit with us; call us at 636-464-7303 to make an appointment. We would very much like to meet you and encourage you to tour our school and campus.

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